All About Space << < 2012 № 5 > >>

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Все доступные года: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


The most powerful explosions in the universe

- Learn about the biggest explosions in the universe which can ignite the birth of new stars.

Asteroid attack
- How we track the giant space rocks that could potentially destroy Earth.

All About Mars
- As Curiosity explores our neighbour, we put the Red Planet in the spotlight.

Neil Armstrong and the first moonwalk
- Discover what he achieved in just two and a half hours on the lunar surface.

Also inside...
- News
- Meet Robonaut 2
- Focus On... The celestial witch''s broom
- Five amazing facts about space weather
- The search for space ice
- Future Tech: Supersonic parachutes
- 15 years of the Cassini spacecraft
- Focus On... Deepest ever view of the universe
- The story of Skylab, NASA''s first space station
- Future Tech: NASA''s comet harpoon
- What to see in the Milky Way
- What''s in the sky?
- 10 great sights to see on Jupiter
- Me and my telescope
- Telescope and kit reviews
- Win £650 of astrophotography kit
- Heroes of Space: Professor Stephen Hawking.

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